Matthew Bondi is an audio post production freelancer and artist based in Toronto. Intent on crafting enthralling atmospheres and vivid soundscapes within film, gaming, and music projects, he aims to create a body of work wherein aesthetic consistency is at the core of every project. 
Holding both a BFA in New Media at Toronto Metropolitan University and a Sound Design postgraduate certificate from George Brown College, Bondi combines technical proficiency with creative prowess to develop immersive soundscapes with a striking sense of sonic mise-en-scene. Bondi’s dedication to detailed, fully-realized soundscapes is rooted in years of independent musical practice, including the ongoing “Snopoint Apathy” project, which applies brash synthesis, irreverent genre hybrids, and oddball imagery to modern electronica.
In his free time he enjoys pouring over music, film, and literature. He considers himself an intermediate level horror buff, intent on reaching aficionada status.